Tuesday, March 19, 2013

{Link Love}

Mama's you need to go read THIS article "In Defense of the iphone Mom. It's a good one.

I'm planning Bubby's second Birthday party....first of all how is he already TWO? That's crazy to me! He is in love with horses and can pretty much turn anything from a coat hanger to a stick into a horse so  he is having a horse themed party. I am going to try and use THIS tutorial to make some horses for the party.

I'm pretty sure THESE will be in my oven at some point today.

I'm really wanting to get Junebug a pair of Gracious May shoes. They are just so adorbale!

I'm loving THIS fabric. Maybe for some bibs for little one?

Have you read Jen Hatmakers Blog? You need to go read THIS post.

I plan to make THIS recipe for Baked Artichoke Chicken for dinner tonight.

Hope y'all have a great day! I think we are going to spend the day outside planting some veggies and flowers.


  1. Those horses are absolutely adorable and those shoes are too cute! Definitely going to check that site out for something for Miss Sandy!

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  2. I love it all! I wanna come over and eat da brownies with you!!
    Erin Sgt

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  3. Lots of interesting sites. The iPhone Mom blog reminded me of a couple of weeks ago when I was down for a visit. We were in Target singing The Lord's Army with Little Miss as she played the guitar. Love you, Nonnie

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  4. cute shoes, cute fabric, food looks awesome, can't believe Bubby will be a whole 2 years old!

    the comment I left on Jen's post:
    I identify with your heartbeat of breaking away from a dead church but the 'hard turn left' is dangerous. Going heavy on the grace at the expense of Truth is never loving. Sometimes the desire to rebel 'against the establishment' can overshadow and confuse the message of Christ and what could otherwise be truly transformational.... I see this here. You do seem to have a good pulse on the unchurched, de-churched and dead-churched and true love and passion there - and that is beautiful.

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  5. Those shoes...SO CUTE!!! Love them. I'm printing the chicken recipe as we speak. Thanks for the link!

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