Wednesday, February 27, 2013

500th post {reflecting}

That's crazy! I just logged into my blogger account and realized that this marks the 500th post for The Farmer's Nest. I really don't know how that happened. One thing I have learned over the course of this blogging thing is that my patterns are always changing and this blog serves as many different outlets. Sometimes I get on a roll sharing recipes and crafts and other times all I want to do is document life and share pictures of my kids so that one day they can look back and have a memory book of their life.

What I've come to realize is that both are good for me. I want to be intentional in the areas that I feel I have an opportunity to have an impact. I want to share our life but at the same time not be focused on myself. I'm learning how to do this in a way that honors God and that's giving me so much freedom. I want to share a craft, recipe or idea and not leave another with feelings of inadequacy. I want to be a blessing. I want this blog to be a blessing both to my family and to others. I have also learned over the last year that if I don't blog or don't feel up to it then that's just fine. There was a point and time where I was posting almost every weekday and in my own little head it set the standard that that was normal or that's what a "good" blogger does; as you can tell I have tossed that idea to the curb. I'm thankful for this blog in every season.

I'm thankful for the way it helped me connect to other stay at home moms when I was alone with a new baby that first year of my motherhood journey.
I'm thankful for the way it has brought to life a love for photography.
I'm thankful for the way it has helped me to grow creatively.
I'm thankful for the real friendships I have gained along the way.
I'm thankful for the way God has used it to help me address certain idols in my life.
I'm thankful for what's to come in the future.

So here I am....reflecting and asking the Lord to show me how he wants to use me and this blog. Thank you for being on this journey with me and being an encouragement!

And just like life there are days where this blog is nothing more than me licking the window of life. Because you just gotta do what comes natural to ya!


  1. I love you girl! I also love this blog because I love seeing pictures of those sweet babies & hearing what's on your mind. So keep on licking the window of life & I'll keep reading :)

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  2. You are an awesome woman of God!!

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  3. Oh beautiful boy! And your sweet heart always comes through on this blog. Never does it seem arrogant or self-important. It is always encouraging and a delight to read.

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  4. Sorry to be late to the party as I check in every so often to see what the Farmer family is up to. You are a blessing to many people and God uses your talents in ways that you will never know - so thank you for your life and sharing what you do!

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  5. You are a blessing to me! Thank you for efforts for this blog...they truly inspire and comfort me :)

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