Thursday, April 7, 2011

Last few days

Little Miss and I have been enjoying our last few days here just the two of us. I've been savoring each moment and taking note of every routine knowing it will change in just a number of days. I know there will be bumps along this new path and with time we will get a handle on things but for right now I'm just taking in each moment and thanking the Lord for our lives.

One thing that brightens my day is our morning routine. When I hear you wake up in the morning and sweetly say, "mama" I look forward  to starting off our day together with such peace. I fix your yogurt, fruit and cereal as well as my cereal and then we sit down together just a talking and laughing, taking in the calm of the day.

I love learning, experimenting and crafting with you sweet girl. I love the curiosity and excitement in your eyes as we explore a new activity. I love that so much of what we do is a new experience for you. I love that I get to share in these moments and be your teacher.

I love reading with you. I cherish the time we share curled up with each other reading God's word or a book about ducks. No matter what were reading about you bring me joy with your love for books and quality time in my arms.

You are pure Joy in my life. Your gently spirit and sweet voice can bring me through a challenging moment and day. I can't believe your about to be a big sister and won't be my little baby anymore. I pray security, reassurance, and patience over you in the weeks ahead. I look forward to seeing you grow and learn a new role and I pray that you will have mercy on the many mistakes I will make along this journey. You are the one that taught me how to be a Mommy. I'm so blessed to hear those words come out of your mouth throughout the day. I love you sweet baby girl.


  1. Love this post, Robyn! Praying for your whole family as you grow into a family of 4 very soon. :)

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  2. Awww..Thats so sweet!! You have a lovely family and a lovely blog as well!! You have decorated the nursery fabulously! Totally adore those ink tree prints!! Wishing you the best!!!

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  3. Robyn,
    Ronnie said to tell you that your time & love will not be will be multiplied. I love that man & his wise words that are always said at the right time (although he is a man of few words). You are going to be a great mom of 2. We love your guys. Nonnie & PawPaw

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  4. I see a framer in the one of you reading!! What great photos to document this time!

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  5. So sweet! You will be such an amazing mommy of 2 and I can't wait to bring Will over for some play time!

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  6. Oh. So sweet. She is going to love her baby brother.

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  7. Hi Robyn,

    I recently discovered your blog through Allison P, now H! Love it. Did you make your own playdough? And if so, do you have the recipe?


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  8. @ scott and adrian- what we were making was a gak-like recipe. I just googled and found a recipe that called for a bottle of glue, food coloring and borax dissolved in warm water.

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  9. My hormones are in full swing... I read this and had to fight back tears. so sweet!

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