Monday, December 9, 2013

Junebug {five & six months}

Junebug we really and truly cannot believe that you are already six months old. You are still a little itty bitty baby in all of our eyes. I think you always will be or little Junebug baby. We all just adore you and love you more than words can express. You are still just the most amazing baby in the world. You are happy as can be and so extremely easy going. I might have your personality too if I woke up every morning to three adoring fans in my face ready for kisses.

At five months you:
Slowly stoped using your swaddle blanket
Moved from having your back supported while held to a full on hip hold
Started playing in the exersaucer, not too interested but added some variety in the daily routine
Loved to look at yourself in the bathroom mirror
Still a patchy sleep pattern after four amazing months of sleeping through the night

At six months you:
You are starting to sit up with the support of the boppy around you in case you topple and fall
Are starting to show signs of interest while we are eating food
Love to suck on your toes
Wearing a size 3 diaper and 6-9 month clothing
Kind of a slobbery mess right now going through about a bib an hour
Do the same grunt signing that Little Miss did when she was tired and about to fall asleep
Not really into your soothie but like the giraffe that's attached to it and might possibly be a two finger sucker.
Go to bed around 7-8pm and wake up about 8-9am
Take a nap aroud 10am and 1:30-2pm with the afternoon nap being the longest, which is also when the others take a nap and the house is *supposed* to be quiet.
You are such a Joy and such a gift.

1 comment:

  1. she is TOO perfect and cute and yummilicious, you look amazing!, I LOVE the photos of the two of you (and of course am partial to the one in the peach box)

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