Monday, August 5, 2013

{A quick trip to the lake and a grateful heart}

It was about 6:30 in the evening, I had just finished cleaning up dinner and was needing a change for the evening routine. I called out to Matt, " hey, let's take a drive to the lake and watch the sunset while we let the kids play in the sand!" He agreed it would be a fun outing and in record time we had the kids loaded up and headed for the lake. Once we got there the kids played in the sand and made mud pies and asked if they could just *play* in the shallow water....we agreed that you only live once and why the heck not. It was just what we all needed; a little break from the routine to breathe in the fresh air and feel the calmness of the water coming onto the shore.
After about 20 minutes Bubby came out of the water and walked onto the sand barefoot and dropped to his knees screaming.... poor baby cut his foot deep on a broken glass bottle sticking up out of the sand. We gathered our things as quickly as possible, loaded back up and headed back to get his wound cared for.

He handled it all so well considering how deep the wound was. Daddy took him to the ER to see if it needed stitches and Little Miss was so worried for him the entire time they were gone. When they came home she wanted to take care of him and help him feel better. 

I watched the sunset in the rearview mirror. It looked beautiful. I was tempted to be disappointed that everything happened the way that it did but the Lord gave me gratitude rather than disappointment. I'm grateful for the people that rushed over to help us load up our things and comfort Bubby. I'm grateful for the way Little Miss was more concerned about her brothers injury than leaving what would have been a fun evening. I'm grateful for the health coverage we have that allowed us to not hesitate to get him the care he needed. I'm grateful for the friend that works in the ER that provided comfort to my baby boy. I'm grateful for the daughter that made him a get well sign to hang on his door while he was gone. I'm grateful for the way she loves him. I'm grateful for the way he receives it. I'm overall grateful for this simple and blessed life I live.


  1. Beautiful pictures, Robyn! I'm so sorry Bubby cut his foot, but I'm sure the kids will always remember that evening at the lake!

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  2. That picture of his little foot, and the one on fb, just break my heart! Poor guy :-( But what a beautiful way to look at the situation. Praying for quick healing!

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  3. Poor little guy! Beautiful pictures as always!!

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  4. what a sweet perspective! great photos

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