Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year

Where did 2011 go? Seriously, fastest year ever, no lie. It's been a year of many blessings.
Another year of staying at home raising my babies.
Welcoming Elijah into the world.
Pursuing Photography as a business.
Growing deeper with our Church Family.
Getting to spend time with long distance friends.
Slowing down to enjoy the simple things in life.
Learning how to be grateful and content in all areas.

Here are  a few collages  from this year.

I haven't had a New Years resolution "sit down" but as always I have had the thoughts and conversations in my head to know a few of the things I want to work on for this next year.

- Get organized in all areas. I am the most unorganized person. I lose stuff, have junk drawers that will hardly close, closets that need to be slammed shut before an avalanche comes down, cabinets full of random clutter and paper clutter with no rhyme or reason.
- Be better about writing Thank You cards and by better I mean actually writing Thank You cards. I hate to share this but I didn't write one Thank You card this year, and I had a baby, got meals, had a two year old with a Birthday and have been abundantly blessed. Please know that we are so thankful for all that we have been given even if we didn't send a card. I feel awful about it.
- Catch myself when I begin to compare myself, my life, my talents, my home, my body, my possessions, my marriage and my family. Catch these thoughts before they are entertained into anything that is not of Christ.
- Meal Plan
- Establish a house chore schedule for myself
- Be spontaneous with my husband. ( He's spontaneous, I am not )
- Be in the word daily, in prayer and devotion with my Savior. Making this a priority rather than facebook, blogs, and pinterest.
- Be more giving
- Plan activities and lessons for Little Miss to do during the week.
- Take an out of state vacation as a family.
- Have a fruitful garden.
-Run a 10K
- Go to bed earlier....and in response to that one I must get off of this here computer and get some shut eye.

Happy New Year!


  1. You have many of the same "thoughts" or resolutions that I have for the year! May God grant you the strength and time to accomplish them all!

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